Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Lamb Shawarma Revisited

The Lamb Shawarma has been a meal that has kept on giving (in a good way).

I wanted to share with you how we 'hacked' it to make another wonderful meal when a dear friend came to stay unexpectedly.

I'm not usually this resourceful, so I'll credit the Jerusalem book again, as it gave me these wonderful ideas.

We used the meat from the roast again, and turned it into wraps.

The great success of the meal was a simple salad, inspired by the book:  cucumber, tomato, lemon juice, parsley, sumac and quinoa
I couldn't find the burghul that I'm sure is lurking in the cupboard somewhere to make a proper tabouleh.
We decided that the quinoa was better anyway.

I'm sure all great kitchen discoveries are the result of necessity.

Jerusalem talks about a Shakshuka sauce to go with the meat.

Using what we had (and I was brave enough for...), here's my version:
* Splash olive oil
* 1 -2 shakes of chilli flakes (to your discretion) the original recipe calls for harissa paste, and I wasn't brave enough to go there; I also wanted a meal we could enjoy rather than cry over.

- heat in Thermomix 1 min / 100 / slow

* 1 red capsicum - diced

- add to Thermomix - heat 100 / 3 min / reverse speed slow

* 120 g chopped tinned tomatoes (I didn't measure exactly)
* generous tablespoon tomato paste
* salt & pepper

- heat in Thermomix 5 min / 100 / reverse speed slow

The sauce was lovely - even nicer than I'd expected.  I recommend you give it a try.

Serve for people to spread on their warmed pita; heated on a griddle would have been even nicer, but I was too lazy.

Add Tabouleh & Lamb

Now I'm thinking about it more, a dash of greek yoghurt would have been awesome too!

Sorry there are no photos.

Dinner was late (I can't produce a miracle and have dinner on time and we were hungry)

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