Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Shawl v2.3

This shawl has had so much more backwards progress (ripping, tinking and starting over!) than forwards.

Finally, I think I may be heading in the right direction.

Lots of careful counting and re-counting.  And a little cheat - my numbers were out, so I did a sneaky increase in the middle, because I just could not find the mistake!

I love it when I start to 'understand' the topography of the pattern.

The pattern is the Daelin Shawl, the lace looks a little like leaves.  Or from another angle, like hearts.*
* I just found Miriam Felton's blog, and the lace is a lute...

the stems of the leaves are just starting to emerge - how appropriate for spring

Today has been a day in which it's hard to breathe.

Sitting in the sunshine, enjoying blossoms, petals floating to the ground, inhaling the fragrance of jasmine, butterflies, and my buddy, along with the meditation of knitting has helped.

The repetitive motion.

The concentration required, knit, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, purl.

Check and check again.

Brings it's reward.


Lace beginning to emerge.

I can't wait to see it revealed.

What do you do so you can breathe?

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