Tuesday, 5 October 2010

i'm an addict...

Well, it really is time to get this blog off the ground!

So here I am showing my latest excitement - vintage fabric...

Normally, I just read other blogs like this, and drool with jealousy thinking that I would never find fabrics like that, but then, today, it all changed...

Now, I'm an addict...

I was pottering along in the car, finishing all the mad errands to be done on a rare child-free day, and thinking about the cost of buying sleep sheets for our sleeping bags for a camping trip we're going on soon (wish me luck, camping's not really my thing! lol!).

As I headed along to drop a load of stuff off to the charity shop (what a great feeling!), the amazing thought occurred to me that perhaps I could make my own sleep sheets. I'd been tossing this idea around, but we don't have spare sheets hanging around at our place. Then, inspiration struck! Check out the charity shop.

And that's when I started to get excited :)

Sorting through all those lovely vintage florals, mmmm, I just couldn't resist.

I just had to buy them, they were calling out my name....

lovely purples, pinks, florals (one's even sheridan!)

and doesn't this one just take you back to your childhood?

Or maybe not if you're not as old as me.

Well, it certainly took me to a happy place, and brightened up an otherwise gloomy day! And would you believe, the sun came out just as I pegged it on the line.

We were definitely meant to meet.

And then, the floral sheets I remember from my childhood were brown. And I don't mean cream, with a touch of brown. I mean all-over, mud brown, highlighted by various other shades of brown, ranging from mustard on up!

I did buy a pair of pragmatic brown striped sheets to make our camping sheets with (but I haven't shared them with you) - I couldn't bear to sacrifice any of these lovelies for such mundane purposes. I have other, crafty, frilly dreams for them!

So far, I'm thinking frilly retro aprons... Maybe a bit like these beautiful ones. Leave me a comment if you've got some ideas for them. You never know, if I can pull it off, you might even win one!

The good news? I spent less than the cost of 1 new sleep sheet, even on sale! and I managed to come home with less stuff than I donated. So I think that makes me a winner! And I haven't even started sewing yet....

Off I go, those vintage sheets are calling my name!

1 comment:

  1. your blog looks a little like mine... or the one i tried to start... more power to those girsl who find time to blog every day, like you i'd rather knit and sew :-)
